Pronunciation Guide to Names

Name Pronunciation Resources -> Arts / Literature / Music


Classical Music

  • A Guide for Classical Radio Announcers - several hundred names related to classical music with phonetic and audio pronunciations. Also has helpful pronunciation tips for many European languages.
  • Pronouncing Dictionary of Music and Musicians - a resource developed for use by the staff of WOI Radio at Iowa State University for the pronunciation of composers, music performers, and the titles of musical works. The dictionary has over 30,000 entries. The dictionary is not searchable and is provided in PDF format.
  • FAQ: rec.music.classical - has phonetic pronunciations for major names in classical music
  • MUSIClassical.com Composers Page - audio pronunciations of Dutch composers and performers

Other Music


  • How to Pronounce the Names in Shakespeare
    Author: Theodora Ursula Irvine. This book was published in 1919. It is now in the public domain and Google has it online at books.google.com. The online edition is searchable.

Suggestions for additional websites to add to the directory are welcomed. Please send email to stuyoder@inogolo.com (link).

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